Call for papers ‒ Intellectuals, Inequalities and Transitions: Themes from Iván Szelényi

The Doctoral School of Demography and Sociology at the University of Pécs, Hungary invites submissions to its conference to be held on the 15-17th of October 2015 to discuss the work of Iván Szelényi. Szelényi’s rich scholarship offers plenty of perspectives and insights on current social issues ranging from urban life, the universities, Entzauberung, to problems of inequalities and social classes (such as intellectuals, entrepreneurs, or the underclass). Abstracts of maximum 500 words are invited to reflect on topics in connection with Szelényi’s work in the context of global capitalism in general and post-socialist neo-capitalisms in particular. Proposals are welcome that discuss, refine further or critically engage with theoretical and/or empirical aspects of Szelényi’s oeuvre.

The planned focal points of the conference include:
1. Intellectuals and elites
2. Entrepreneurs and embourgeoisement 
3. The political economy of post-socialist neo-capitalisms
4. Urban social conflicts
5. Underclass, poverty, and the Roma
6. Universities

The deadline for abstract submission: 1st of August 2015.

For more information please visit: